Market Parade, 778 to 782 High Road, Leyton, E10 6AE.
In partnership with Waltham Forest Fashion, London College of Fashion and London Borough of Waltham Forest, Arbeit has launched a creative fashion hub in 2019.
The space, which was formerly a vacant Morrisons supermarket, features 15 studios as well as a gallery space where events and workshops are held. Most of the units benefit from natural light and are on street level. The site is located in a busy area and would be suitable for whoever is willing to show and sell their products with a window display on site.
Fashion and textile designers are particularly welcome!
✓ Onsite Gallery Space ✓ Wifi ✓ Kitchen
✓ 24/7 Access
Follow our Instagram page @leytongreengallery, to see what goes on at our fashion hub.
Available Units:
Unit 2 - 130SqFt - £340 per calendar month excluding service charge and utilities
Please use the form below to let us know whether you would like to be added onto our waiting list or to book a viewing: