The Loop is a physical space located in Hackney Wick that hosts circular economy businesses. The Loop helps circular businesses scale their operations by connecting like-minded peers, helping trial new processes and undertaking R&D activities locally.
Visitors will have access to the warehouse building that is not usually accessible to the public day-to-day. They can connect and visit the studios of some of London’s leaders in the circular economy, learn about the unique community ownership model behind the project, plus engage in an exhibition and workshop.
In addition, we will also be hosting workshops related to the Loop`s focus on circularity and sustainability. The workshops will allow learning what the circular economy means to our everyday lives and learn about different practices that make up the circular economy.
Alongside this, visitors can explore Growing Concerns, a beloved East London garden centre now thriving at The Loop. This new location offers the local community access to a wide range of unique and seasonal plants.
Additionally, visitors can discover other creative and innovative businesses trading at The Loop, including:
Are You Mad
Eni Feyi Flowers -
Fantasy Fibre Mill -
FibreLab -
Objects of Strange Desire -
Studio Tip -
Zhero -
Other Participants, who will be exhibiting at the Loop are:
Alive Labs Ltd
Carla Meireles De Lemos
Eleni Pavli
Esther at Hackney Real Nappy Network
Georgie Mason
Jules Esquivel
Louise Ashcroft
By Kala X
Naila Ahmad
Nadien Klages
Renee Materials
Sarah Regensburger
The Outside World
Top up truck
This event is FREE to attend, to RSVP please click here.